Opening/closing of Graves:
- Only funeral homes approved by the Maintenance Committee may be used for opening/closing graves.
- A funeral home must contact a board member before opening a grave.
- A fee of $200 will be collected for burials, including urns, collected by the funeral home and paid to the cemetery on invoice.
Reservation of burial plots:
- Applicants should apply for burial plot(s) in writing using the approved cemetery association form
- Board will approve/deny burial plot request.
- Initial burial request approval will be pending until a stone marker is placed at the head of the plot.
- Applicants should view burial plot to determine that space is adequate (at least 4' X 11' in size)
Cemetery Landscaping and Maintenance:
- Members should notify the Maintenance Committee for approval prior to performing landscaping which the member would not like altered/removed.
- Family members are responsible for removing unsightly artificial flowers, ribbons, etc. from gravesites.
- Due to their interference with efficiently working the cemetery grounds, no permanent shrub or tree planting or grave borders are allowed.
- The Association encourages all families to remove metal plot markers, cement borders, and other obstructions to mowing.